gnupic: Thread: Re: [gnupic] problems with pikdev tarball and deb pkg

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Subject: Re: [gnupic] problems with pikdev tarball and deb pkg
From: "Xiaofan Chen" ####@####.####
Date: 22 Jul 2006 23:41:58 +0100
Message-Id: <>

On 7/23/06, Maxim Wexler ####@####.#### wrote:
> And when I did dpkg -i pikdev*deb, of course it failed when it
> couldn't find kde.
> What do I do now? Is their an option I can add to dpkg so that it will
> ignore the lack of kde or skip everything not pkp?

The easier solution is to get someone to burn a Ubuntu Breezy DVD for
you. I remember it has most of the development packages inside.

Subject: Re: [gnupic] problems with pikdev tarball and deb pkg
From: "Maxim Wexler" ####@####.####
Date: 27 Jul 2006 21:17:56 +0100
Message-Id: <>

Thanks XC, I did the next best thing: burned a kubuntu "desktop" dapper and
pointed synaptic at it.

Now, I looked at the list and stopped counting after seeing fifty kde items.
I'm pretty sure I need kdebase. But what else? I only want the bare minimum
to get pikdev to work.

The easier solution is to get someone to burn a Ubuntu Breezy DVD for
> you. I remember it has most of the development packages inside.
> Regards,
> Xiaofan
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