gnupic: Thread: picprg3.01 initialize problem

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Subject: picprg3.01 initialize problem
From: "Maxim Wexler" ####@####.####
Date: 13 Apr 2007 23:03:02 +0100
Message-Id: <>

Hi group,

On a fresh Gentoo 2.6.19-r5 box picprg3.01 fails to open with the error:
failed to initialize /dev/lp0. There was no /dev/lp0, so I made one with
mknod. Same problem. Gave it picprg -p0 (or was it -lp0, I forget). Same
problem. Hardware(TLVP) is unchanged from when I ran picprog3.01 and
gentoo-2.6.16 on another box where it worked fine. All the parport modules
are installed. Perhaps I need to point picprg at /dev/parport0 which is what
I get in dmesg.

Anybody suggest a way forward?

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