gnupic: Thread: linux dev tools question....

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Subject: linux dev tools question....
From: Jay Dagenais ####@####.####
Date: 13 Jun 2007 18:17:41 +0100
Message-Id: <BAY124-W317B36ABF32B411F20644BD9180@phx.gbl>

 Hi folks, I am trying to develop for pic16f series parts under linux because I have recently discovered that MPLAB under windows has been playing games with my firwall and shutting down my connection everytime I try to kill its transmissions back to 'home-base'.  I have pikdev and gputils installed, and have playued around a little with it just to see if it is spitting out identical hex- it is of course so thats cool. One things that I am missing is the simulator, which I found to be a large asset under MPLAB-- I recall seeing that there was a linux based sim but cannot seem to locate it anymore- this was a few years ago I believe.... Can anyone point the way to the sim? will it integrate with pikdev IDE or am I stuck with console op? Also, does anyone know how much modifications one would typically expect to make when attempting to compile C code written for the old C2C compiler? I have a bunch of blocks written under it and really want to be able to use as much as possible without having to re-write?? I admit that my micro coding is very-much in need of help due to my lack of experience coding for micros- but I find that being able to use debugging tools drasically helps with my understanding,, so I really need some assistance figuring out vthe best linux toolset to use for pic dev?? thanks in advance, jd
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