gnupic: Thread: Re: [gnupic] sdcc init code takes up too much space in PIC

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Subject: Re: [gnupic] sdcc init code takes up too much space in PIC
From: "Mark Rages" ####@####.####
Date: 11 Jun 2007 03:24:21 +0100
Message-Id: <>

On 6/10/07, R. Timothy Edwards ####@####.#### wrote:
> Dear David,
> I can hand-edit the .asm file to remove the call to __sdcc_gsinit_startup,
> and replace it with the original (inlined) startup "goto" statement,
> and the program compiles and links properly.  So I'll quit the
> discussion here and take it over to an sdcc forum, unless anybody on
> this mail list has any ideas on less kludgy ways to grab back the RAM
> space used by the sdcc init routine.

At least on the pic16 port, there are several different startup
libraries to choose from.  You can just adjust your Makefile to link
the appropriate one.

Quoting sdcc/device/lib/pic16/startup/README:

   "This directory contains the startup files for the SDCC pic16 port.
    There are 3 startup files,
    crt0.o          minimal initialisation routine
    crt0i.o         initialisation of variables
    crt0iz.o        RAM cleanup and initialisation of variables"

I don't know the situation with the pic14 port, which covers the
16f676.  I suggest asking on sdcc-user mailing list.

You should at least look at using a pic16 (18F*) part.  It is more
capable and "C-friendly" and only costs a little more.  If you know
your production volume you can do the economic calculation,
engineering time vs. savings in using a cheaper part.

Mark Rages, Engineer
Midwest Telecine LLC
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