gnupic: Thread: Re: gputils issue

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Subject: Re: gputils issue
From: David ####@####.####
Date: 21 Aug 2007 15:13:54 +0100
Message-Id: <>

On Mon, 20 Aug 2007 23:16:09 -0700
"James Cleland" ####@####.#### wrote:

> Message body follows:
> Hi,
> First off, I was wondering if you were still active with 
> gputils.
I'm the current maintainer, but haven't been very active the past
month or two. Life gets in the way and all...

> If so, I was wondering if you could tell me if the following is
> normal:
> The problem I'm having is that, when debugging, I can't set
> breakpoints inside the library asm files. If I step into subroutines
> within the library, I can follow the code into the file, although
> MPLAB asks me to browse to a directory sometimes (no big deal).

In short, I don't really know. MPLAB has had several issues with
setting breakpoints, but I haven't used or worked on gplib yet, and I
haven't used MPLIB, either. So I don't know what's normal for

You can try creating the library from MPLIB to narrow down the problem.
I would guess either there are symbols missing or incorrect with
gputils or it's a problem with MBLAB.

By the way, if you could please subscribe to ####@####.####
and send gputils-related email there, I or whoever else is maintaining
gputils will definitely hear you, and probably someone there could
answer this particular question better. I've copied them on this

David Barnett
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