gnupic: Thread: PICDEM FS USB and Linux tools

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Subject: PICDEM FS USB and Linux tools
From: Rick Bronson ####@####.####
Date: 20 Sep 2007 22:26:45 +0100
Message-Id: <>


  If someone wanted to use Linux tools for uploading a program via USB
to the PICDEM board what are the suggested tools?  Two I've run across

1. (or which is mentioned but I can't find it)
2. fsusb-0.1.11-2.tar.gz seems to requre, which I can't seem to find for
debian.  Unless it's the one in Zaptel.

/fsusb-0.1.11-2> lsusb
Bus 002 Device 003: ID 04d8:000c Microchip Technology, Inc. 

  fsusb gives me:

/fsusb-0.1.11-2> sudo ./fsusb --program usbhid.hex 
Locating USB Microchip(tm) PICDEM-FS USB(tm) (vendor 0x04d8/product 0x000c)
Found USB PICDEM-FS USB as device '003' on USB bus 002
Communication established.  Onboard firmware version is 1.0
usb PICDEM read: Resource temporarily unavailable
Fatal error> USB read failed

  Thanks for any help in this.

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