gnupic: Thread: gpasm: .direct macro doesn't work

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Subject: gpasm: .direct macro doesn't work
From: "Scott Dattalo" ####@####.####
Date: 5 Oct 2007 05:50:18 +0100
Message-Id: <>

A few weeks ago I updated my local CVS copy of gputils. I had to make a
minor change to accommodate the P12F510. But I discovered that the .direct
macros now fail. These macros are used extensively by gpsim to embedded
simulator commands and assertions.

For example take a look at one of the gpsim regression tests

The '.sim' and '.assert' macros are defined in

; Assertion
.assert macro x
  .direct "a", x

; Simulator Command
.sim macro x
  .direct "e", x

$ make branching.cod
gpasm -c branching.asm
/usr/local/share/gputils/header/ [124] Illegal argument
/usr/local/share/gputils/header/ [124] Illegal argument
/usr/local/share/gputils/header/ [124] Illegal argument
/usr/local/share/gputils/header/ [124] Illegal argument


The error is from gputils/gputils/gpasm/evaluate.c line 84.

David, I know you have made many changes to gpasm recently. Do you know
what may be happening here?

Or does anyone else have some insight?


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