gnupic: Thread: gpasm - #define with spaces in

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Subject: gpasm - #define with spaces in
From: Robert Pearce ####@####.####
Date: 30 Dec 2007 15:45:41 -0000
Message-Id: <2WJD7$Aab7dHFwZu@daniel.huneausware.local>

I've raised a bug report for a problem with gpasm 0.13.5 (seems to be 
new, because the same code built OK on 0.13.4-r2). The problem is that 
if the expansion of the macro contains a sequence of more than one space 
it gets rejected as a syntax error. The fix looks simple, and I put a 
patch in the bug report.
Rob Pearce             

The contents of this | Windows NT crashed.
message are purely   | I am the Blue Screen of Death.
my opinion. Don't    | No one hears your screams.
believe a word.      |
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